Monday 4 June 2012

Evening nibbles

I don't know if its pregnancy related or if I am just turning into a pig, I am positive you will see pictures of some if not all of these over the coming days!!!

But these Cheesey crackers look awesome and I think I may just have to make some tomorrow.

I would really like to try and make my own peanut butter like here, I think that its a lot healthier and probably better for baby.

I think that trying something like these Meatless burritos before the baby arrives would give me more options for freezer stocked food. That way we have healthy dinners but they are quick and cheap.

I also really wish I didn't have some frozen pastry sheets, I wish they were defrosted so I could make these lovely cheese straws.

1 comment:

  1. Just wondering if there is a way I contact you via e-mail about doing a possible guest post on my blog ( :) I can't seem to find any contact info for you here.

    My e-mail is

    Natalie xx
